Moises Broder
Entrepreneur at heart, our founder has been active in the Real Estate Industry for over 60 years in Lisbon, as well as other countries across the world. His vast experience is seen in a variety of industries; including but not limited to textile, infrastructure, logistics, food & beverage, trade and development in distinct sectors.
Some of Broder's major operations include the representation of Levi's in Portugal, the opening of the first Levi's factory in Macau, the distribution of Portuguese beverages to it's colonies, the opening and operation of metallic good factories, the significant arm in imports and exports of canned foods as well as other consumer goods, and more.
Broder is currently working out of Lisbon, Portugal and Tel Aviv, Israel to develop real estate opportunities for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes.
Carine Lederer
Incentinveste SA is a real estate investing company specialising in initiating, planning, improving and executing projects in the Lisbon Greater Area
In the course of its 25 years of existence, the activity of Incentinveste – Real Estate and Investments, S.A. has been directed towards urban rehabilitation. Its operations revolve around the upgrading of existing buildings, through innovative construction primarily in Central Lisbon.
Our urban rehabilitation is depicted by providing a contemporary character to buildings of other eras. This is with the aim to effectively attract younger generations to remain in city centers, rather than shift to peripheral suburbs.
Up to recent years, Incentinveste’s projects have been developed in Lisbon. However, with the acquisition of Universidad Moderna, the company’s geographical coverage expanded to Setubal, a place with a vast unexplored potential. Despite the economic downturn, Incentinveste embraced with dedication this project as it forecasted a promising investment.
The City of Setubal has great conditions for the development of new housing projects as it holds a privileged and strategic geographical location. This attracts not only new residents, but also investors who are interested in discovering new localities.
With its combines experience, Incentinveste’s projects focus on bringing an added value to surrounding areas, benefiting the local community as well as local authorities.
Our team comprises of experienced, detail oriented and passionate individuals, who focus on nourishing a safe and loyal relationship with all those we interact with.